Faculties Departments

Information Technology Department

The Department of Information Technology (or IT) is an academic discipline that focuses on the study and management of computing and networking technologies, and the development of systems that support operational processes and information flow in organizations. The department focuses on practical applications of technology to support the needs of businesses and organizations through the development, operation and maintenance of IT infrastructure.

The study of information technology includes a wide range of topics, including:

  1. Networks and Communications: Study of how to design, operate and maintain networks that allow data transfer between different systems and devices
  2. Systems Management: Learn how to operate and manage computer systems to ensure that organizations continue to operate efficiently.
  3. Cybersecurity: The study of how to protect systems and networks from electronic attacks and ensure data integrity.
  4. Web and Software Application Development: Learn how to create web-based applications and software systems to meet different business needs
  5. Database Management: The study of how to organize, store, and retrieve large data effectively and securely.
  6. Cloud Computing: Exploring cloud technologies and how to use remote computing resources to store and process data
  7. Technical Support and Infrastructure Management: Learn how to provide technical support and solve IT problems in organizations.

IT graduates typically work in areas such as network administration, technical support, information security management, software development, data centre management, and cloud computing, where they help ensure that information technology operates efficiently and effectively in serving the organization’s goals.

Study plan for the information technology programme

First Year ( Semester1)

NumberCourse codecourse namelab hoursfollow up hourslectures hoursContact hoursCredit hours
1MS 111Calculus02243
2MS 112Statistics and Probability02243
3CS 111 “Introduction to Computer Science.” 20243
4HS 111Arabic Language 102243
5HS 112English Language 102243
6HS 113Islamic Culture 102243
7HS 114Sudanese Studies 00222
8HS 115 Principles Of Marketing 00222


First Year ( Semester 2)

2numbercourse codecourse namelab hoursfollow up hourslectures hoursContact hoursCredit hours2
21HS 126Arabic Language 2 022432
22HS 127English Language 2022432
23HS 128Islamic Culture 2022432
24HS 122Discrete Structures022432
25HS 123Programming Methods 1202432
26MS 124Algebra and Analytic Geometry022432
27HS 129Principles  of Economics002222
28HS 1210Principles of Management002222


Second Year ( Semester 1)

numbercourse codecourse namelab hoursfollow up hourslectures hoursContact hoursCredit hours
1HS 211programming methods 220243
2IS 211Computer Applications40133
3IT 221 Internet Technologies20243
4HS 212“Data structures20243
5HS 211Principles of  Accounting02243
6MS 211Operations Research02243
7CS 213 “Concepts of Operating Systems20243


Second Year ( Semester 2)

numbercourse codecourse namelab hoursfollow up hourslectures hoursContact hoursCredit hours
1IT 222Multimedia Systems20243
2IS 222 “Systems Analysis and Design20243
3HS 222Professional Ethics”00222
4HS 223Communication Skills02243
5IT 223Computer Applications in Business20243
6HS 224Concepts of Database20243
7IT 224Computer Networks and Communication20243


Third Year ( Semester 1)

2numbercourse codecourse namelab hoursfollow up hourslectures hoursContact hoursCredit hours
21IT 311Open Source Technology and Software20243
22IT 312Computer Network Management20243
23IT 313Information Engineering20243
24HS 311Database Management Systems20243
25IT 314Human-Computer Interaction20243
26MS 311Statistical Analysis02243
27IT 315Mini Project60063


Third Year ( Semester 2)

numbercourse codecourse namelab hoursfollow up hourslectures hoursContact hoursCredit hours
1IT 326Information Technology Project Management20243
2Algebra 321Software Engineering102243
3IT 327E-Commerce20243
4IT 321Decision Support Systems20243
5IT 328Web Systems and Applications20243
6HS 321Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems20243
7IT 322Enterprise Systems20243


Fourth Year( Semater1)

numbercourse codecourse namelab hoursfollow up hourslectures hoursContact hoursCredit hours
1IT 411Information Security20243
2HS 411Data mining concepts20243
3HS 412Object-oriented Programming20243
4Algebra 411Software Engineering202243
5HS 411Scientific Research Methodologies02243
6IT 411Mobile Application Development20243
7IT 412Wireless Communications Networks20243


Fourth Year ( Semester 2)

numbercourse codecourse namelab hoursfollow up hourslectures hoursContact hoursCredit hours
1IT 423Graduation Project1200126
22Elective Course 120243
32Elective Course 220243
42Elective Course 320243
52Elective Course 420243
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